Reiki 1 Certification on ZOOM (3 Sessions)

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Session 1 – Oct 13- 2:30 to 5:00 pm CST
Session 2 – Oct 16 – 7:00 to 9:30 pm CST
Session 3 – Oct 21 – 7:00 to 9:00 pm CST

Course Description: 
In this three session seven-hour interactive ZOOM class, you will become attuned/initiated and experience table treatments, grounding and meditation. We will learn about and experience:
• Reiki – what it is and what it does
• Self-Care for the Reiki Practitioner
• Reiki precepts, principles and history
• Seven major chakras and the process of healing
• 21-day clearing process
• Attunement/initiation
• Basic hand positions
• Treating others
• Self-treatments
• Working with animals, plants, inanimate objects

Book and manual plus gifts are included.
Reiki 1 – $185

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