Reiki 1 Certification on ZOOM (in 2 Sessions over 2 days)

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Session 1 – Sept 6 – 1:00 to 5:00 pm CST
Session 2 –
Sept 8 – 3:30 to 6:00 pm CST

In this two session seven-hour interactive ZOOM class, you will receive a guided meditation to prepare you for the individual, virtual attunement/initiation.  You will experience grounding and protection techniques and hand positions of Usui Reiki, so you can help your body heal and help your family as well.

We will experience and learn about the following:

  • Self-Care for the Reiki Practitioner
  • Reiki – what it is and what it does
  • Reiki precepts, principles and history of Usui Reiki
  • Seven major chakras and the process of healing
  • 21-day clearing process
  • Attunement/initiation
  • Basic hand positions
  • Self treatments
  • Treating others
  • Working with animals, plants, inanimate objects

Book, practitioner manual and energy tools (gifts) are included in the $160 fee.

After payment for the class, you will receive the Zoom links via email or text.  


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